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Group Fitness Mayhem

sign up today for your free fitness trial

Want to join the Mayhem but not sure where to start? Try our free trial!

Reach Your Fitness Goals

What To Expect:

With a diverse range of fun and challenging classes on offer, suitable for all ages and abilities, there is something for everyone on the Mayhem timetable. Whatever your fitness goals, you will find a friendly community of like-minded people to train with and instructors who are passionate about helping you to be the best that you can be.

What’s Included?

Our group fitness classes are perfect if you want to trail a variety of different workouts to improve your overall fitness while networking with those who share your journey. While classes are tailored to your goals, here are just some of the many areas of fitness that we cover:

  • Strength Training
  • Cardio Workouts
  • Running & Jogging
  • Bodyweight Exercises
View Our Timetable

Choose The Best Route For You

Membership Options

Here at Mayhem Fitness, we understand that everyone is different, which means what might work for one member, perhaps wouldn’t for another. This is why we offer several different membership options with the following, just to name a few:

Get In Touch With The Team

Find the best route to begin reaching your goals.

Whether you are new to fitness or are looking to refresh your workout routine, we have you covered! Through taking a personal approach to sessions, we can ensure that you stay on the right track for success. Contact us to get started!